What do sessions look like?

Each client is unique, and each situation is different for that reason, therefore there is no set approach to healing, until we do an assessment together and then a customized plan of action is put into place for the client's greatest healing.
My work is 100% "Spirit" guided to provide the ultimate end result in healing, and in personal awareness growth.
Prior to seeing a client, I will assess the client by diagnostic energy assessment, as well as having the client fill out a history prior to any session. When we sit together in the initial session, a combination of modalities are used to further assess the body, emotion/mind, and the spirit energy.
The Universe/Creator/God is referred to as Spirit, Holy Essence or simply God, and when opening to this, we trust, as That energy is all about love, light and healing. As we open our hearts; as we trust in Spirit, we begin the powerful "intuitive journey" of a Shaman.
As an Intuitive Healer, I am able to communicate all the pertinent information needed for the client and t
their healing of body, mind and spirit. In this form of healing, the client gains an understanding of shamanic work and the suggested method of healing and can make an informed decision on whether shamanic healing is the right modality of healing for them.
I hold the strongest intention to be a clear and open channel for Divine Love, Divine Healing and Divine Wisdom, and it is my greatest honor and privilege to be of service in this way.
Celtic Shamanic Reiki:
Shamanism recognizes that traumas that affect the soul/spirit also affect the body and there must be balance in all three in order for there to be a balance and an integral wellness.
Shamans are gifted with the ability to journey and channel the living "life-force" energy to create healing and in utilizing such things as Creator's energy, stones/crystals, plants and herbs, nutritional supplements to bring support and balance into the healing session of the client.
Each session is unique and customized to address the needs of the individual, allowing the client an opportunity to relax in an atmosphere that is filled with healing scents, sound and energy to bring about the harmonizing of energy, realignment of body and spirit and an overall feeling of peace and calm.
Some Traditional Shamanic Techniques
Power Animal Retrieval:
Shamans believe that each of us has a spirit guardian whose job it is to protect and empower us. These powerful guardians may take the form of an animal and help us with power, protection, energy, and vitality. Each animal has great wisdom and brings specific gifts, talents, strengths and purpose in helping an individual. Power animals choose people; shamans don't make the selection. The shaman brings back to the client his/her power animal and shares with the client what gifts this spiritual ally brings to that individual to help him/her. Symptoms of power loss can be similar to the symptoms of soul loss and can include chronic illness, chronic misfortune, long-term victimization, long-term depression.
Energetic Extraction:
This is the process whereby the shaman removes unwanted or misplaced energy or intrusions from the client. Misplaced energy can have its origin from many different sources, including negative thought forms, such as anger, jealousy and envy, early childhood traumas or abuse; verbal, emotional, physical or sexual abuse.
Soul Remembering:
The shaman travels to the client's soul to receive information on the client's life purpose, including what talents, skills and gifts this individual has and how the soul wants these to be utilized.
The shaman brings to the client this information along with a symbol which the soul has given to the shaman to share with the client as a reminder of who they are on a core level, the Light they carry and their connection to God/Divine, life purpose.
Soul Retrieval: One of the most common and universal techniques a shaman employs are retrieval and re-alignment of a lost or displaced soul part.
Soul loss or misalignment occurs when we experience trauma, shock, pain or loss. A part of the soul, an essence, leaves the body as a natural defense mechanism to avoid the pain of a particular situation (with often see this with trauma or abuse of a very deep kind).
Symptoms of soul loss include chronic depression, disassociation, addictions, illness, prolonged grief, memory gaps, and disconnection with the body.
Causes for soul loss can include physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, the death of a loved one, including a pet, loss of job, financial loss, childbirth, divorce or separation, hospitalization, surgery, any kind of abuse, illness, accidents, natural disasters and war.
The shaman's job is to find the lost soul part/parts and re-connect, re-align and return it to the client.
During this kind of work, I will work with your soul essence to facilitate a re-connection in healing, a return of "wholeness" by bringing them home, and back fully aligned with their body.
This prevents you from being overwhelmed with the feelings or memories associated with the original trauma or reason why the parts left.
This is a gentle process of re-aligning and balancing body with essence and life-force energy.
Integration After Soul Retrieval:
The last stage in this type of healing involves soul integration. In contemporary shamanism, integration has become a fundamental and essential aspect; it can also be the most complex.
In shamanic cultures, community members or family would be able to spot soul loss within a very short time of it happening whereas in our modern world and in its isolation of people, this has become more complex with some of us having been missing soul parts for decades.
With soul parts being gone for so long, we have made decisions and built lives based on a partial soul presence, and these decisions may have included relationship patterns or career choices, which are all wrapped up tightly making our lives and healing more complex.
After soul retrieval happens, we find that our internal changes and healing now call us to make some external changes to our lives to reflect and align with our healing process.
As the client is shifting into healing, I will continue to provide ongoing coaching/counselling and ceremony to clear any negative core beliefs (most especially the ones that block the healing process), and strengthen and build new patterns, perceptions or behavior patterns that now align with the healing and growth that is taking place.
Disclosure Statement:
The material presented on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only, and in no way is meant to substitute for individualized health care or treatment, or mental or behavioral health care therapy provided in person by a qualified professional.
Shamanism is an ancient form of spiritual healing and is not intended as a substitute for medical or mental or behavioral health care. No claim to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, ailment or otherwise provide mental, physical, or behavioral health care is guaranteed.
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